Ekam Circle 2.0 (German)

Ekam Circle 2.0 (German)

Erlebe unsere Meditationen zum Zugang zur Universellen Intelligenz, um Woche für Woche die Geschenke zu bekommen.

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Ekam Circle 2.0 (German)
  • Ekam Prayer (German)

    The most powerful prayer meditation in the world.
    Unifying body-heart and soul in reaching the divine. A daily prayer meditation done by millions.

  • Ojas für das Immunsystem (German)

    Meditate the ancient way to build immunity
    Build your Ojas, the eternal immunity builder in your body, the ancient Indian way.

  • Heart Connection (German)

    Take a journey into the heart and strengthen your connection to yourself and others.

    Take a journey into the heart and away from loneliness and separation. Using breathwork and visualization, this short meditation will help you connect your heart, mind and body. This connection will strengthen y...

  • Wohlstand - eine guter innerer Zustand für Fülle (German)

    Become free of inner limitations. Manifest wealth.
    Manifest abundance from a fulfilled heart. Use it to create a difference.

  • Serene Mind (German)

    Dissolve the stress of unpleasant emotions and return to a calm, centered state of presence.

    This powerful meditation helps dissolve stress and return you to calm. It works by relaxing the amygdala—the fight or flight center of the brain. Whenever you feel hijacked by negative emotions, or a clu...

  • Sich bei der Arbeit wohlfühlen (German)

    Transform work into a sacred/meaningful contribution.

    Realise the beauty and impact you are creating on the world. Ignite the spark of vision for greater outreach.

  • Freiheit zu Lernen (German)

    Learning from a mind free of inhibition.
    Education is to free the mind and broaden perception; expand the heart. Only in this space of inner vastness learning happens. Sri Preethaji gracefully leads you into this space of learning.